Indonesia-focused Angel Investment Network

Managed by MDI Ventures with the objective of nourishing Indonesia’s emerging startup ecosystem through providing financing for early stage pre-seed startups

Already have investor account? Login
Education and Support

Education and Support

End-to-end support throughout the whole investment process.

Quality Startup Pipeline

Quality Startup Pipeline

Access to Telkom Indigo graduates and MDI startup pipelines.

Invest With Other Investors

Invest With Other Investors

Exclusive investment vehicle for members.

Things you need to know before going to
be an Angel Investor

Investment Process

Investment Process

Introduction to angel investing, Assistance in conducting due diligence,Legal support and supervision,
Hassle-free admin and legal matters as these are handled by eMerge.
Investment Period

Investment Period

From 1 to 10 years with expected a 2.6x average return in 3.5 years with annualized 27% IRR.
Investment Liquidity

Investment Liquidity

A Highly illiquid asset class with equity-like investments such as shares or convertible notes.
Investment Risk

Investment Risk

High risk and equity lite with the probability of 80% of the returns are generated by 9% of the deals.